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Credit Recovery
Credit by Examination and Credit Recovery
Grades 8 – 12 General Guidelines
Credit-by-Exams (CBE)
Credit by Exams (CBEs) offer appropriate, reliable placement or credit for students in grades K-12. The exams are designed by curriculum experts and aligned to TEKS. Students may choose to take the exams for credit recovery or acceleration.
Credit Recovery
With approval from the local school district, students in grades 6-12 who received prior instruction in a subject area but did not receive credit may earn credit by passing an exam (grade of 70% or above) that assesses the student's knowledge and skills in that subject area.
With approval from the local school district, students in grades K-12 seeking placement credit in a subject area in which they have not received prior instruction may earn credit by passing these exams with a grade of 80% or above.
Spanish for Spanish Speakers
Any student who lacks Spanish I and II credits for either or both semesters can also take a Spring ISD created assessment that will count as a foreign language credit on their transcript. The passing rate for these assessments is 80% to earn credit for that course semester if it is initial testing, and 70% for credit recovery.